Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Activty 4

Activity 4: Exploration of Science Education Standards
CHEM 105 not only provides an opportunity for students to learn more about chemistry and science, but it also offers an opportunity for future educators, parents and members of society to understand the expectations society has created for science education standards. In the last four activities (5-8) we will explore science concepts and also relate these to the science standards we will first explore in Activity 4.
For this activity please refer to the Wisconsin Science Standards at this website:

At this site you will find Standards A- H for grades 4, 8 and 12.  Since most of the students in this class are future early childhood educators, I would like for you to focus on the Grade 4 Standards.  If you would like, feel free to address the other grade levels if you would like! 

To complete Activity 4, choose a sub-standard under each of the Standards A thru H and describe something that you have done either in this class or outside of this class, perhaps in previous classes, that indicates that you have met the sub-standard. Each of these descriptions should be at least a paragraph long.

A.4.5 When studying a science-related problem, decide what changes over time are occurring or have occurred

In my plants and people class we studied how different oils from different things effect bacteria growth. We watched them over a week and recorded  the results. This shows I met the standard because in the class we noted a problem. The problem was that bacteria growing on food and how we could use different oils to make bacteria growth less. We noted the growth over time. This is how this experiment followed this standard. 
B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations.
In this Chemistry class I have looked things up on different websites and I have used the book to help look things up as well. This followed the teacher standard because I used those sources to help me answer questions that were related to science.   
C.4.4 Use simple science equipment safely and effectively, including rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, hand lenses, thermometers, and computers, to collect data relevant to questions and investigations.
In my classes I have taken, I have  used a Bunsen burner, and harmful chemicals and I have never hurt myself.  This relates to the standard because I have used simple science equipment safely and effectively. I have used all the thing mentioned above and I have used even more harmful interment in the same manor. I used them to collect data and answer questions for the investigations in class and so this is why I have done this teacher standard.  
D.4.3. Understand that substances can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas.
In our first activity we saw how water can change states. We saw it heat up and turn into a gas when we boiled it. We saw it in a solid when we froze it and in very experiment it started as a liquid.This is how I have shown that I understand that substance such as water, can be in different states.  
E.4.8 Illustrate human resources use in mining, forestry, farming, and manufacturing in Wisconsin and elsewhere in the world
In my plants and people classes we identified different trees found on campus. This in s way involves forestry in the state of Wisconsin because we noted ones that only grow in Wisconsin and therefore these are the main ones that can be forested in this state. This is why naming the trees could be an example of this teacher standard.  
F.4.2 Investigate* how organisms, especially plants, respond to both internal cues (the need for water) and external cues (changes in the environment) 
In my plants and people class we cut up plants to see them regrow and we had to take care of them over the semester.  During this experiment we learned how much water the plants need , how plants can grow and how to take care of plants and all these things have to deal with this standard.
G.4.3 Determine what science discoveries have led to changes in technologies that are being used in the workplace by someone employed locally 
In this class in the power points different scientist are mentioned with what they created and did to make them famous.  This shows how their discoveries have lead to new discoveries and how make they have made it possible for other important discoveries.
H.4.4 Develop* a list of issues that citizens must make decisions about and describe* a strategy for becoming informed about the science behind these issues 
In my plant and people class we educated people about invasive species in Wisconsin by making a web page and pamphlet. This is a big issue in Wisconsin and we had strategies to get rid of and stop the spread of invasive species.         
Here is a link to the sub-standards for Standard A:

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